
Showing posts from June, 2021

Can you really find peace. How to find perfect peace amid the storm of life

  Like I said in my previous post. If you really want to be happy, you have to be at peace. Being at peace with one's self is so difficult  that the subject of peace becomes something many people considered the impossible. Not long have I really understand the subject of peace. I was always filled with desire to be at peace everyday. I'll try everything I could, treat myself to a nice meal, visit several place especially some of the best, restaurant, cinema, pools and recreational centre just to find that moment of blissfulness. Do not misunderstand me, it's very good to do that, but if you do it because you think you'll forget you problem forever, then you are misunderstanding it, those were just short term solutions to forgeting ones problem and enjoying the moments. It doesn't mean you won't remember them after or feel the same again.  Most of the things that are happening to human beings can either be permanent or for a short time, just like when were injure

Finding Innermost self. How I started living my true self

Sometimes it takes so many failures, successes and may be disappointments to be able to find one’s true self. I was eighteen when I started earning money and working so hard just to ensure i am able to meet my own needs. I was doing this not because I had no one to fend for me nor assist me in life, but I was doing this because it is one of the greatest lessons my mother thought me. Hard work and consistency is key to success. My mother was a very hardworking woman, aside from personal job, she will do every other side jobs she could just ensure she puts food on the table. I did same, I worked so hardly, basically all that I could think of, from a sales girl to a house cook and then to a helper, food seller, teacher, perfume seller, clothes seller and everything I could think of just because I wanted to make money. Doing all this whilst i was still yet to find my true self. No matte r what I do, I still could not find peace because deep within me, I knew there was more for me to unle